Report Signal Graphic
This assesslet displays graphs of the signal behavior in the report. The signals that should be presented in the graph can be selected. Use several Signal Graphic assesslets to generate independent signal graphic chapters in the report, for example a chapter for all outputs, another one for all inputs, and so forth.
Filtering signals is possible:
- by entering a filter pattern using regular expressions (include or exclude signals)
- by selecting the signal type (channels, parameters, etc.)
- by selecting the behavior of the signals (changing, constant, etc.)
- by including specific signals
Filter pattern
Use regular expressions to filter the signals to be shown in the graphic. For example, select Include and enter light* to filter all signals that begin with light.
If you include in the File pattern section all signals starting with light and include the signal light_intensity
in the Include signal text field, only this signal will be displayed in the graphic.
If you include in the File pattern section all signals starting with light and enter no signals in the Include signal text field, only those signals of the selected signal type and with the selected behavior which names begin with light are displayed in the graphic.
in the Include signal text field, no signal at all will be displayed in the graphic.Debug
For debug reasons, you can include non-exported variables. Non-exported variables can come from the Min/Max Comparison assesslet, see Assesslet Types - Min Max Comparison, or the Script assesslet, see Assesslet Types - Script.
In this section, you can select the signal type you want to filter (input, output, local, etc.). For example, include only signals that have an input channel role. You can select more than one checkbox.
The term Script Assesslet Variable refers to variables created in the Script assesslet and to the artificially by TPT created variables in the Min/Max Comparison assesslet. If those signals are exported to the report by for example checking in the Min/Max Comparison assesslet the Export checkbox, you can include them in the Report Signal Graphic.
Show variables with inconclusive result
Select this checkbox to show also variables with an inconclusive result in the report. Deselect this checkbox to show only variables in the report that are either passed or failed.
Furthermore, you can select the behavior of the signal, which means to decide what conditions must be fulfilled to display the signal:
Changing only
Shows only signals whose values change
Constants only
Shows only signals that do not change their values
Both, Constants and Changing
Shows all signals (this is the default setting)
Select the checkbox Signals that differ from the default value only if needed.
Include signals
Click Create a new signal and enter the signal name. Press Ctrl+Space to use the auto-completion feature. With arrays and structs, you can name a single array element (array[0]
) or a single struct member (mystruct.y
). By entering the name of the struct (mystruct
), all members are included in the graphic. The same happens when you enter an array name.
If the Include signals field is left empty, only the constrains concerning the signal type, the signal behavior and the filter pattern apply.
Design of the graphic
Enter the dimension and intervals of the axes and if they axis should be displayed in the report. Define if you want to have a background grid and also if you need the signal graphic to be added to a table of figures. See Assesslets - Report Table of Figures.
Select One graphic per signal to display each signal in an independent graphic. If this checkbox is selected with struct and array signals, TPT creates a graphic for each member of the struct and each element of the array. This translates into longer reports.